I am a PHD student of Purdue University since May 2023, working with Prof. Dave Tian. I have a broad interests in computer security and systems. Recently, I am doing research related to USB, rowhammer, and GPU. I earned my Bachelor dgree and Master degree from Fudan University, under mentor of Prof. Zhe Zhou. Besides, I was a member of Fudan’s CTF team ******(Sixstars).
- (Oakland’21) Invisible Probe: Timing Attacks with PCIe Congestion Side-channel.
- (Oakland’22) MeshUp: Stateless Cache Side-channel Attack on CPU Mesh.
- (OSDI’ 23) Userspace Bypass: Accelerating Syscall-intensive Applications.
- (Master Thesis) Shadow Kernel Extension Framework.
- This is a framework that benefits future kernel extension constructions. In this framework, an extension will be split into two parts: the first part serves requests in the kernel space running with SFI protection; the second part is in a process that handles other time-insensitive jobs.
- This project is directed by Prof. Zhe Zhou and completed in cooperation with Hailong Nan.
Work Experience
- (2023.5-) Purdue University. Research Assistant.
- (2022.9-2023.1) EPFL. Research Assistant.
- (2022.9-2023.1) EPFL. Teaching Assistant: Introduction of Operating Systems.
- (2019.9-2022.1) Fudan University. Teaching Assistant of courses: Software Security, Operating System, Computer Introduction and Architecture, and Information System Security.
- (2019.6–2019.10) Tencent. Intern of Keen Security Lab.
- (2022.2-2022.6) Intel. Intern of SSE-WPE-JS Optimization department at Shanghai.
- Intel Fellowship 2021, at Fudan University
- Outstanding Graduate Award of Shanghai 2022, at Fudan University
- Herbold Scholarship 2023, at Purdue University